Peter Pan and Michael Darling just want to relax with a little fairy dust and video games, but their boss, John Darling, has other plans for them.
Episode 3: The Bossman Cometh
Extras for this Chapter

Article: Kensington Darling
written by John Darling
My dear Neverlandians, just last week we celebrated the 154th anniversary of the founding of Neverland, Ohio, by J.M. Barrie. Every year, my brother Michael, my sister Wendy and our friend Peter Pan (of Peter’s Panels fame) go on an expedition, retracing the path of J.M. Barrie and the people who originally settled our town. This year, we were happy that many of you, our dear friends and neighbors, accompanied us. This year, we decided to immortalize our journey on Twitter. As I mentioned in my editorial last week, the will very shortly be adding a Storify section to our site, to highlight many of the local stories that make Neverland such a wonderful place to live. As soon as that is up and running, we will be posting an archive of our expedition, for those of you who were unable to attend. During our tour, I mentioned in passing the name Kensington Darling, my ancestor and this newspaper’s namesake. Back in 1862, Kensington founded this very paper, and in honor of our town’s 154th anniversary, I thought I’d take a few minutes to tell you about this seminal figure in Neverland’s history.
Read Full Article on the Kensington Chronicle