"Love Yourself First"
"Hook is Back"

S3 Episode 14: The Parting of Ways

Wendy is second guessing her relationship with Hook.

"Love Yourself First"
"Hook is Back"

Extras for this Chapter

The Night of the Long Knives

After Wendy calls off their engagement, Hook summarily fires her from the K-Chron, along with all of the people she cares about.

Neverspeak Weekly 4/11/17

Will You Marry Me…Right Now? Last Friday night, while the rest us were wondering why we don’t have a better social life, the most romantic thing ever was happening across town. In the woods outside his new house, Wesley Parsons proposed to Juliet Carpenter. According to some local fairies, this was only the beginning of a magical night. The moment Julie said said yes, a select group of family and friends popped out of the bushes (why are there always bushes whenever anything romantic happens in this town?). The groom and the group put on a surprise wedding for the pair complete with full wedding regalia, a delicious feast, and an intimate reception.

Read Full Article on the Kensington Chronicle

Tink's Tough Decision

Tink and Crimson finally realize that their battle for the throne is having adverse effects on the fairy people. In the presence of their mother, the former queen, they decide who is to be her successor, once and for all.

"Love Yourself First"
"Hook is Back"